Identification of male and female in the anus of newborn chicks

Jan 1st,1970

Identification of male and female in the anus of newborn chicks


1、 Morphology of reproductive organs of newborn chicks


1. Cloaca and degenerated mating organs of chicken


The end of the rectum of the chicken, together with the urinary and reproductive tracts, opens to the cloaca.hentastic chicken treat holder.The opening of the cloaca to the outside has a sphincter, called the anus. The dorsal wall of the cloaca is longitudinally cut, and three main folds can be seen from the inside to the outside: the first fold exists as the junction line between the end of the rectum and the cloaca, which is the fold of the mucosa, completely different from the villous fold of the rectum. The second fold is located at the center of the cloaca, and is composed of small oblique folds. The amplitude of the second fold is wide at the back wall of the cloaca, and gradually tapers to the abdominal wall and terminates at the third fold. The third fold is the fold that forms the cloacal opening. There are five openings in male cloaca: two ureteral openings are on the outside of the first fold of the superior cloacal fold; two vas deferens openings are on the concave part of the first and second folds of the lower wall of the cloaca; Another is the rectal opening.


At the junction of the second and third folds in the middle of the lower wall of the cloaca near the anal opening, there is a hundred-colored bulbous protrusion (the newborn is smaller than the millet) with regular folds on both sides. Because of its eight-shaped shape, it is called "eight-shaped fold", and the white bulbous protrusion is called "reproductive protrusion". Reproductive protuberances and splayed folds form prominent protuberances, which are called "reproductive protuberances". At the time of copulation, the genital eminence is surrounded by a tube due to congestion and erection, through which the semen is injected into the vagina of the hen. Because of this function and underdevelopment, the genital protuberance is called degenerated mating organ. Reproductive protrusions and splayed folds are colored and slightly shiny, elastic, and not easy to deform when pressed and rubbed, and tough and sexy.


The three folds of the cloaca and the opening of the ureter of the female chicken are exactly the same as those of the male chicken, but there is no copulatory organ and the opening of the vas deferens. On the left side of the cloaca, there is an opening of the fallopian tube (or vaginal opening) between the first and second folds. The male chicken has degenerated copulatory organs. The female chicken does not bulge, but instead shows a concave shape. There are 4 openings in the cloaca of female chicken.


After hatching for 11 days, the reproductive bulge can be identified, and the difference is significant at 12 days. The bulge of female chicks becomes lower and flat than that of male chicks. chicken feeders bunnings.In this period, the central protuberance of the reproductive protuberance is called the head, and the bottom is called the base. With the increase of embryo age, the reproductive bulge of the female embryo gradually shrinks. At hatching, the head only remains as an irregular fold, and the base gradually degenerates and shrinks, but is not obvious. On the contrary, the head of the male embryo reproductive protuberance developed significantly and became a round reproductive protuberance, and the base formed the splayed folds on both sides of the reproductive protuberance. The remaining situation of female chicks' reproductive bulge varies from breed to breed. There are more meat and dual-purpose species than egg species, which increases the difficulty of identification. The structure of cloaca of newborn chicks is not significantly different from that of adult chicks, and the three main folds have been developed as well as that of adult chicks. Some of the male chicks can see the small papillae of the opening of the vas deferens, but they vary greatly due to individual differences, and some are almost illegible. At this time, the oviduct of the female chick is still very thin, only the end is enlarged, and its opening is not yet developed. The male chicks with degenerated mating organs are relatively developed, but the shape and development degree vary greatly from individual to individual, and the degradation of the female chicks' reproductive protuberances are also different. Due to individual differences, some leave traces, and some protuberances are quite developed. The anal differentiation method is mainly used to distinguish male and female according to the shape and texture of reproductive processes and splayed folds, which increases the difficulty of identification. To master this technology, we must work hard in this area.


2. Anatomical structure of reproductive organs of newborn chicks


The accurate degree of male and female discrimination can only be judged by observing the testicles and ovaries after dissection. The suspected genital eminence was first identified and then dissected. Compared with each other, there must be improvement.


(1) The testicles of male chicks exist in pairs, close to the head end of the kidney, and on its ventral side, they are round rods with slightly pointed ends. Generally, the rear end is larger than the front end, symmetrical on the left and right, and slightly oblique on the right. The testicle is different from other organs because of its smooth surface, yellow color, fullness and elasticity. Its color is also black or partially black due to melanin, and few side is black and the other side is normal. Its size varies from individual to individual, and usually the left side is slightly larger than the viewing side. They are about 5 mm long and 2 mm wide, and some are as thin as thread.


(2) The female chick adult hen has only the left ovary, which is large in size due to the enlarged follicles. The right side has degenerated without trace. At the early stage of embryo, both ovaries and fallopian tubes develop equally. After that, the left ovary continued to develop, and the right ovary ceased to develop and atrophy. After hatching, only traces are left on the head of the right kidney. However, the degree of degeneration varies from individual to individual, and very few right ovaries still exist. Normally, newborn chicks only have the left ovary, which is located at the head of the left kidney of the body, and is about 5mm long and 3mm wide. It is usually oval, flat and slightly curved outwards. It is grayish yellow in color, and its surface is matt and granular, which is significantly different from the color and shape of testicles.


2、 Method for distinguishing the male and female of the anus of newborn chicks


Anal male and female identification method is a method to distinguish male and female with the naked eye based on whether the newborn chicks have reproductive protuberances and the differences in the tissue morphology of reproductive protuberances.


1. Morphology and classification of reproductive eminence of newborn chicks


The male chick reproductive protuberance can be divided into normal type, small protuberance type, flat type, hypertrophic type, vertical type and split type; Female chicks are divided into normal type, small protuberant type and large protuberant type. It is described as follows:


(1) Male chick reproductive protuberance type


① The normal type of reproductive process is the most developed, with a length of more than 0.5 mm, regular shape, plump, spherical and elastic shape, shiny appearance, bright outline, and correct position, at the shallow part of the anus; The splayed folds are developed, but there are few symmetrical ones. The reproductive process is oval, and the octagonal folds are symmetrical and developed; The reproductive processes are spherical, and the splayed folds are symmetrical and developed; The reproductive process is long and long, and the octagonal folds are symmetrical and developed; The right splayed fold is divided into two, which is a common phenomenon; The genital process is connected with the octagonal fold at the viewing end; The genital process is connected with the left splay fold; The genital processes are connected with the splayed folds at the left and right ends; The reproductive process is spindle-shaped, and the zigzag folds are irregular; The reproductive processes are upright and large, and the splayed folds are also developed; The reproductive process is star-spindle shaped, and the splay shape is not developed. The reproductive process is the smaller one in the spindle shape, the reproductive process is small, the process is full, the outline is clear, and the right Pei is not obvious; The splayed folds are developed and are above the reproductive process; It is a common shape of chicks. The reproductive process is slightly small and deeply arranged between the folds. In this type, the front end of the reproductive process is slightly sharp and the splayed folds are developed; The reproductive processes are small and full, and the splayed folds are also developed; It is the smallest of the normal type, with well-developed splayed folds.


② The small protuberance type reproductive protuberance is especially small, with the length and diameter less than 0.5 mm; The splay fold is not obvious and slightly irregular. The reproductive process is small, and the splay fold is irregular; The reproductive process is small, and the splay fold is not obvious; The reproductive process is developed, and the splay fold is obvious; The reproductive process is underdeveloped, and the splay fold is irregular.


③ The flat reproductive process is flat and transverse, such as tongue; The splayed folds are irregular, but very developed. This type can be divided into three types: one is that the tongue tip of the reproductive process is outward; The second is that the tip of the reproductive process is inward; The third is that the reproductive process is upright on the fold, that is, the tongue tip is upward. The lingual tip of the genital process is outward; The tip of the reproductive process is inward; The tip of the reproductive process is upward.


④ The thick reproductive process is connected with the splay fold, and the boundary is not obvious. The splay fold is particularly developed. When the reproductive process and the splay fold are viewed together, it is the hypertrophic type. The splayed fold is particularly developed, and its boundary with the reproductive process is slightly recognizable; The right octagonal fold is connected with the reproductive process, while the left octagonal fold is completely separated from the reproductive process, and the reproductive process is developed and recognizable; Reproductive processes and splayed folds are mixed and indistinguishable; Reproductive processes and splayed folds are developed and can be distinguished.


⑤ The position of the stage type reproductive process is long and long, and multi-star fusiform; The splay fold is neither developed nor regular. There are two types of this type: the reproductive process is similar to the normal type, and the front end extends into the deep splayed folds developed; The central part of the reproductive process, with two sharp ends, is spindle-shaped, extending longitudinally into the deep part. The front end reaches the first fold, and the rear end reaches the opening of the cloaca. The splayed fold is neither developed nor irregular.


⑥ The mitotic type is rare. There is a longitudinal groove in the center of the reproductive process to separate the reproductive process. The reproductive process is completely separated into two; Most of the reproductive processes are separated and only part of them are connected.


(2) Female chick reproductive protuberance type


Under normal conditions, the reproductive eminence of the newborn female chicks is almost completely degraded, and this type is called normal type. However, 20%~40% of female chicks' reproductive protuberances are not completely degraded, and can be divided into small protuberances and large protuberances according to their morphology.


① The normal type of genital processes almost completely degenerated, and only the remaining folds remained at the original position, and most of them were concave. The genital process completely disappeared, and there was no vestige in its position, and there was no vestige in the splayed fold; The genital process is completely degenerated, and its position remains in a wrinkled shape; Reproductive processes and splayed folds are all residual; The genital process completely disappeared, and the splay fold obviously existed; The genital process is slightly present, and the octagonal fold is complex; The genital process slightly exists, and the splay fold disappears.


② The reproductive process of small protuberances is less than 0.5 mm in length, and its shape is spherical or nearly spherical; Bazi shape Pei Mingjian degenerates. The reproductive process is extremely small, the splay fold disappears, the reproductive process is isolated, and its outline is not obvious; The reproductive process is slightly larger, and the splay fold is also slightly developed. The outline of the reproductive process is not as obvious as that of the male chick, and the shape is not full and full, and has a soft feeling. This is the characteristic of the female chick's reproductive process; The reproductive process is spherical and surrounded by splayed folds, but it is very thin and tends to degenerate; The shape of the reproductive process is irregular, and the splayed folds degenerate into irregular remnants; The reproductive process is slightly larger, spherical and more substantial, like the reproductive process of male chicks, but the splay fold disappears, and the reproductive process is isolated; The genital process is small, the outline is not obvious, and the splay fold is irregular.


③ The length and diameter of the large protuberant reproductive process is more than 0.5 mm; The splayed folds are also developed. It is similar to the normal type of reproductive process of male chicks. The reproductive process is developed, which is similar to the normal type of male chick's reproductive process, and the splay fold is developed and complex; The reproductive processes are more developed, and the splayed folds are developed and regular; The reproductive process is large, but not as full as the former two.


(3) The proportion of various types of reproductive protuberance of female and male chicks is different.


2. Histomorphological differences of male and female reproductive eminence in newborn chicks


Whether the newborn chicks have genital bulges is the main basis for distinguishing male and female, but some of the genital bulges of the newborn male chicks still have traces, which are significantly different from the genital bulges of the male chicks in tissue. To grasp these differences correctly is the key to improve the identification rate. From the perspective of histological characteristics, the epithelial tissue of the mucosa of newborn chicks is not significantly different from that of male chicks, but the submucosal connective tissue is significantly different.


The cells in the submucosal tissue of the male chick's genital eminence are not abundant and sparsely arranged. The deep tissue has degenerated and shrunk, and is connected with the lymphatic space to form a cavity. There are a few blood vessels in the deep part. On the contrary, the cells in this part of the male chick are abundant and densely arranged. There are many blood vessels in the deep part, and there are also blood vessels on the surface. From the inside to the outside, there are the following significant differences between male and female chicks in terms of reproductive bulge:


(1) The appearance feels that the female chick's reproductive bulge outline is not obvious, atrophic, and the surrounding tissue is weak, with a sense of isolation; The male chick's reproductive bulge is clear and substantial, and its foundation is very stable.


(2) Glossy female chicks have soft and transparent reproductive ridges; The surface of male chick reproductive process is tense and shiny.


(3) Elastic female chicks have poor elasticity of reproductive bulge and are easy to be deformed by compression or extension; The male chick's reproductive bulge is elastic, and is not easy to deform due to compression and extension.


(4) Congestion degree The female chick's reproductive protuberance blood vessels are not developed, and less than the surface layer, which is not easy to stimulate hyperemia; The male chicks have well-developed reproductive protuberances and capillaries on the surface, which are easily congested due to stimulation.


(5) The shape of the front end of the protuberance; The male chick has a round reproductive protuberance.


3. Methods of anal identification


The operation of anal differentiation can be divided into: ① grasping the baby, grasping the baby; ② Defecation and anal turnover; ③ There are three steps to identify and release chicks.


(1) There are generally two methods of grasping chicks and holding chicks: one is the grip method. The right hand is in the direction of the movement of the chicks, the palm is close to the back of the chicks to grasp the chicks, and then the head of the chicks is quickly moved to the left hand near the septic tank, the back of the chicks is close to the palm, the anus is upward, the neck of the chicks is gently sandwiched between the middle finger and the ring finger, the wings are sandwiched between the index finger and the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger are bent, and the feet are clamped on the palm. Skilled discriminators often catch two chicks with their right hand at a time. When one is moved to the left hand for sorting, the other is sandwiched between the ring finger and the little finger of the right hand. The other is the grasping method. The left hand is in the direction of the chick's movement, the palm is close to the chick's back, the chick's back is facing the palm, the anus is facing up, and the chick's neck and feet are left to nature. There is no obvious difference between the two grasping methods. Although it takes time for the right hand to grasp the baby to move to the left hand to grasp the baby, it can be compensated because the right hand is more agile than the left hand. The group grip method is mostly used by skilled appraisers.


(2) Defecation and anal turnover


① The feces must be discharged before identification and observation. The technique is to gently press the lower edge of the left hip bone of the abdomen with the left thumb, and squeeze the feces into the septic tank with the help of the chicken's breath. Some people think that this is time-consuming and harmful to the baby. It is best to press the lower edge of the anus tightly at the end of the rectum (the first and third methods of turning the anus with the right thumb, and the second method of turning the anus with the right index finger) to cut off the passage between the rectum and the anus, and feces will not be discharged. However, the author believes that the effect is not ideal because the degree of compaction is difficult to grasp.

② There are many ways to turn the anus. Here are only three commonly used methods


First, hold the chick with the left hand, move the left thumb from the position of defecation to the left side of the anus, bend the left index finger to the back side of the chick, at the same time place the right index finger on the right side of the anus, and place the right thumb on the umbilical cord of the chick. Push the right thumb up in a straight line, pull the right index finger down, close the anus, and the left thumb also close in. The three fingers form a small triangle at the anus, and the three fingers close and squeeze together, and the anus will open


Second, hold the baby with the left hand, place the left thumb on the left side of the anus, and extend the left index finger naturally. At the same time, place the right middle finger on the right side of the anus, and place the right index finger on the lower end of the anus. Then push the right index finger upward, pull the right middle finger downward, close to the anus, and the left thumb close to the anus. The three fingers form a small triangle in the anus. Because the three fingers close together, the anus will open.


Third, this method requires the right thumb of the discriminator to have a nail. The anal turning technique is basically the same as one of the anal turning techniques.


(3) The male and female can be judged according to the presence and shape of the reproductive bulge. If feces or exudates are discharged, wipe them off with your left thumb or right index finger and observe again. When it is difficult to distinguish the genital bulge for a while, you can also touch it with the left push finger or the right index finger to observe its hyperemia and elasticity.


4. Appropriate time and key points of identification


(1) Observe other appropriate time


The best identification time is 2 to 12 hours after the cone is out. During this time, the male and female chicks have the most prominent reproductive bulge, and the chicks are also easy to grasp and turn their anus. The newly hatched chicks have soft body, weak breathing, poor egg yolk absorption, full abdomen, and are not easy to turn their anus. Those who are unskilled may even cause the death of the chicks. More than 1 day after hatching, the anus is tight and difficult to open, and the genital bulge shrinks, and even falls into the depth of the cloaca, which is inconvenient for observation. Therefore, the identification time should not exceed 24 hours


(2) The key to improve the accuracy and speed of identification lies in the correct palm flipping technique and the skilled and accurate identification of male and female chicks' reproductive bulges.


① The key to identification is to correctly grasp the technique of encircling the anus, not only to open the anus, but also to make the position correct. When turning the anus, the knuckles of the three fingers should not be bent, the triangular area should be small, and should not be pulled outward or pushed inward, so as not to artificially cause bulge deformation and misjudgment.


② On the premise of correctly turning the anus, the key to distinguish accurately between male and female genital eminence is to accurately distinguish the slight difference between male and female genital eminence. Generally speaking, it is not difficult to reach 80% - 85% of the identification accuracy, which can be achieved with a few days of training. However, it will take a long time to achieve the accuracy of 95%~100% and the corresponding speed that can be applied in production. This is because after hatching, there are still some female chicks with residues in their reproductive rise, which is easy to be confused with some types of male chicks' reproductive rise. Generally, it is easy to misjudge: the small protrusion type of female chicks is misjudged as the small protrusion type of male chicks; the large protrusion type of female chicks is easily misjudged as the normal type of male chicks; the fat type of male chicks is easily misjudged as the normal type of female cones; The small protrusion type of the male cone is easily mistaken for the small protrusion type of the female chick. These are not difficult to distinguish as long as we keep practicing.


③ Reproductive protrusion is composed of reproductive protrusion and octagonal fold. Beginners often pay attention to reproductive protrusion and ignore octagonal fold. The correct way is to pay attention to reproductive protrusion and octagonal fold at the same time, and observe and distinguish the two as a whole.


④ On the issue of improving the speed of identification and deletion, the experience of the appraisers of the Beijing Chicken Breeding Farm Incubation Hall is: to achieve "three fast, three once": "three fast" is to hold the baby and turn the anus quickly; The male and female brains should react quickly; Put the baby quickly after identification. "Three at a time" means that the excrement is discharged once; Turn over the anus once; Identify and focus on the first time.


5. Identification precautions


(1) It is easy to damage the anus or break the yolk sac when the action is rough, which will affect the later occurrence and cause the death of the chicks. The identification time is too long, and the anus is covered by yellow stool or exudate or excessively congested, which cannot be recognized.


(2) The posture should be natural. The sitting posture of the discriminator should be natural, and it is not easy to get tired after continuous work.


(3) The light should be moderate. The anal sex discrimination method is a kind of observation of fine structure, so the light should be sufficient and concentrated. If the light comes from one direction, too strong or too weak will easily make the eyes tired. The natural light generally does not meet the above requirements, and the light of 40-60W milky white bulb with reflector is often used. The light is too strong (more than 200W bulbs were used before), which not only irritates the eyes, but also scorches people.


(4) The identification gold on the identification table shall be fixed in three boxes, with unidentified mixed chicks in the middle, female chicks in the left and male chicks in the right. The position is required to be fixed and not replaced to avoid errors. It is not only required that each discriminator's individual nesting position be fixed, but also that all discriminators in the same incubator should have the same nesting position.


(5) Disinfect before identification. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention, each identification personnel is required to wear work clothes and shoes before identification Wear hats and masks, and wash hands with disinfectant.


(6) Eyes should be healthy. Anal identification is a method to distinguish male and female by observing with meat. The discriminator has been observing with eyes for years and months, which is a highly technical work, so we must pay attention to health care, especially the health care of eyes. In addition to doing radio exercises and eye exercises, we should strive to do more outdoor work and have physical examination regularly.


6. Practice of anal differentiation and dissection of chicks


(1) The practice of anal discrimination should adhere to the principle of "being serious, step-by-step, grasping the key points, and practicing repeatedly".


When practicing, we should make new progress in order. First, we should practice the technique of grasping and grasping the baby. Although it does not affect the accuracy of identification, it affects the speed of identification. Second, we should practice the technique of defecation and anus turning, which is the basis for improving the accuracy and speed. Then practice the technique of distinguishing between male and female and releasing chicks. Don't just pay attention to the observation of the differences in the state of the reproductive bulge, while ignoring other aspects of practice. It is better for beginners to practice with male chicks first, because the value of male chicks is low, there are many types of reproductive bulges, and there are a large number of male chicks for observation. After mastering the shape of male chick's reproductive bulge more skillfully, practice to identify male and female mixed chicks. Beginners should avoid identifying male and female mixed chicks immediately. Only mastering the morphology of male chick's reproductive bulge can not be considered as mastering the technology of male and female identification, because some newborn female chicks still have the remnants of reproductive bulge. Only when there is contrast can there be discrimination. Only by correctly distinguishing the difference between male and female chicks' reproductive eminence can we correctly distinguish male and female. At this time, we can say that we have basically mastered the technology of male and female discrimination.


The key of the discrimination exercise is the technique of turning the anus and the technique of distinguishing male and female. Whether the anus can be opened, and whether it can not produce artificial deformation or artificial reproductive protrusions and splayed folds is a problem that beginners should pay attention to. On the basis of correctly turning the anus, practice hard to distinguish male and female. Mastering the technology of male and female identification is not something that can be learned overnight. We should emphasize repeated practice and experience. It is necessary to use both hands and brains, and experience while practicing. When it is impossible to accurately judge, first see and remember the shape and characteristics of the genital bulge, and then conduct anatomical observation. This is repeated many times. In the future, when the same situation occurs, the male and female can be accurately identified.


(2) The purpose of chicken dissection is to verify the correctness of anal identification by directly observing the reproductive organs. This is an important means for beginners to improve accuracy.


First, hold the chicken's wings on the chicken's chest with the right thumb and forefinger; The second is to turn the right hand outward, stick the left thumb parallel to the chicken's back, and the other four fingers hold the lower end of the chicken's head and neck; Third, the left hand is fixed, and the right hand is forced to tear (not too hard), and the chicken's back and abdomen are torn longitudinally from the chest; Fourth, when tearing, stick the left index finger (or right index finger) against the back of the chick to the top. Generally, the reproductive organs (testicles or left ovaries) can be observed. If the reproductive organs are covered by the organs, you can open the organs with your thumb to expose the reproductive organs.


There are a large number of hatchlings in the hatchery. To complete the male and female identification in a short time, the identification speed must be fast. Misjudgment 1: Identifying chicks is equivalent to wasting 500 grams of grain and 0.5~0.6 yuan. The accuracy of identification must be high. General skilled discriminators identify 1000~1200 chickens per hour, with an accuracy of more than 96%. In 1984, a competition conference was held in Beijing. The average score of 47 contestants was 5 minutes and 7 seconds for 100 chicks, with an accuracy of 96.6%. Gao Yali, who won the first prize, took only 3 minutes and 33 seconds, with an accuracy rate of 100%. This is closely related to the physical condition and technical proficiency of the discriminator. The discriminator must have a vision of more than 1.2 in both eyes, have a quick response, and can not be color blind or color weak. In the process of learning, we should memorize all types of genital eminence and master the basic identification methods through a lot of practice; We should also engage in identification work and pay attention to practice.


3、 Design and equipment of male and female identification room


1. Design of male and female identification room


(1) Location and layout of the identification room The male and female identification room is located at the rear end of the technological process of the incubator, adjacent to the hatching room at the front and connected with the chick waiting room at the rear, so that the newborn chicks can be sent to the identification room in time, and the identified chicks can be stored in the chick waiting room after immunization.


The layout of the identification room can be determined according to the specific situation. In principle, we should pay attention to: first, because there are both mixed chicks to be identified and male and female chicks to be identified in the room, we should consider the storage location and area of various chicks to prevent confusion; Second, the chicks should be as close as possible to the discriminator to save the time of carrying the chicks.


(2) Design requirements of identification room The general requirements of identification room design are: sufficient area, convenient disinfection, good ventilation, strong thermal insulation, low illumination, and good shading.


① The total area of the area identification room should be determined according to the size of the identification task, and the area of each identification staff should generally not be less than 12 square meters (including the place where the identification chicks are stored).


② The cement floor on the ground shall be flat and free of water, and there shall be water supply and sewers for washing and disinfection after each identification.


③ In order to facilitate cleaning and washing, the wall 1 m high from the ground shall be plastered with cement and painted with paint or waterproof paint.


④ In order to keep the windows warm and dark, a strip window with a width of 90~100cm is opened at 1.7 meters above the ground.


⑤ There is only one exit from the door identification room, that is, the exit from the incubator. The identification staff should disinfect and change clothes when entering and leaving the identification room. There are also doors connecting the chick room and the chick waiting room, which are usually locked.


(3) Although the temperature, illumination and ventilation of the identification room are short and thin, the ability to resist cold is very poor, and higher ambient temperature is required, the density of chicks in the box is high (each chick only accounts for about 27 square centimeters, that is, 370 chicks per square meter, which is 15 times the density of chicks in the breeding room). When the ambient temperature is 26 ℃, the temperature in the box can reach 39.2 ℃ due to the heat production of chicks. Therefore, the room temperature of the identification room can be maintained at 22-26 ℃, so that the identification personnel will not feel uncomfortable. The indoor light should be darker, so that the chicks are quieter, and it does not affect the concentration of identification light. The illumination is generally 10 liters. The windows should be shaded with black and red cloth and equipped with air conditioners to discharge the dirty air and residual heat in the room.


2. Identification equipment


(1) Identification table The identification table is a drawer-free table with a length, width and height of 130cm × 68 cm × 70 cm. The four corners of the table top are nailed with right-angle baffles to fix the position of the identification box.


(2) Identification box The identification box is a bottomless rectangular box with low front and high back and slightly smaller area than the identification table. Its specifications are: 125 cm in length, 66 cm in width, 14 cm in front and 20 cm in back. The box is divided into three compartments by two 1.5 cm thick partitions. The middle grid is large, 44 cm wide, and the unidentified mixed chicks are placed; The left and right cells are the same size, and the female and male chicks are stored separately. The bottomless box is easy to clean and disinfect.


(3) For the convenience of management, the identification table equipped with automatic chicken counter is better to use automatic chicken counter for hatcheries with large hatching volume. This can not only accurately count the number of male and female chicks, but also assess the workload of the discriminator. The identification table is 125cm long, 60cm wide and 85cm high. The specifications of the bottomless chicken identification box (for mixed chicks) are 51 cm in length, 60 cm in width and 14 cm in height; The specifications of the box (female chicks on the left and male chicks on the right) are 37 cm long, 37 cm wide and 85 cm high. The top cover is made into a slope with 9 cm left × 9cm chicken inlet square hole with a diameter of 6cm opening at the bottom of the lateral wall through the inclined tube × The chicken export of 6 meters. The identified male and female chicks are imported from the chicken on the left and right respectively, and then dropped into the chicken box below through the inclined tube. When each chick passes through the photoelectric receiver in the inclined tube, it is counted once and displayed in the distance counter. When the count reaches 100 (or 104), the counter rings an alarm to replace the chicken box.


(4) The identification chair requires the chair surface to be about 45 cm above the ground. It is better to use a swivel chair to adjust the height according to the body and habits of the identification personnel.


(5) The identification lamp can be a high-footed reflective surgical lamp, with a lamp pole height of no more than 85 cm and a serpentine tube length of about 30 cm. Generally, 40W white light bulb is used. If the appraiser sits against the wall, the wall lamp with telescopic frame and reflector can also be used. Pull out the lamp during identification, and push the lamp against the wall after identification.


(6) The defecation tank is replaced by the medical ointment tank. The cylinder is about 12 cm apart and 13 cm in diameter.


(7) Chicken box


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